After Hours Play at St Dominic’s School

With COVID restrictions in place during Term 2, my last communication regarding playing on our school playgrounds outlined that they were closed until further notice.  However, with the previous restrictions lifted, I am once again happy to provide the opportunity for families to enjoy the use of our oval and playground after school.

As you know, school staff supervise your children at all times during the school day, including while they use play equipment.  The students understand the rules allowing them and others to enjoy doing so safely and respectfully.  They also know to behave according to the standards set in our Code of Conduct.

At the end of the school day students know to exit via either the main gate or through ‘Kiss and Ride’.  A staff member is on duty at each of these gates to ensure the safe exiting of students from the school.  Students are also aware that they are not to be playing on or with equipment at this time, unless directly supervised by a parent/ caregiver.

No school staff are on duty after 3:00pm to both supervise your children, enforce the rules of play, and attend to any need arising.  Staff who are at work, whether in their classroom or elsewhere, are not available to do so.  You and your child should not disturb staff after hours unless you have an appointment, as this is time used by staff to prepare the learning program for your children.

Therefore, if you choose to remain on school grounds with your child or other children in your care, you understand and accept sole responsibility for supervising them.  ‘Supervision’ is keeping a direct line of sight to your child, and not browsing a phone or other device.  It means ensuring they behave according to our Code of Conduct and other rules in their play and interactions with other students and parents.  Students know the rules they follow during school hours and I ask you to enforce consistency while you supervise them after hours.

If you identify any broken play equipment or other risk to students after hours, please alert other parents to remove their children and bring the matter to our attention by contacting office staff.

If your child suffers a minor injury after school, you should avoid either you or your child seeking assistance from their classroom teacher or other staff members who are at school as they would during school hours. For example, if your child is use to getting ice or band aids from the office, you should explain you need to take them home.  A First Aid Kit is located in the office and if the injury is such that it cannot wait until you get home it may be accessed.  If an injury is serious, you should call an ambulance.  Please notify me the following day of any injuries or incidents to your child so we can record it and address any risk.

If you supervise your children after school hours as described, then we can all enjoy the gifts of play and friendship, gifts that we value very highly here at St Dominic’s School.



Leon Bolding
