Amended Transition to Kindy ​Information

Despite the unexpected start, I would like to offer a huge welcome to all our Kindy families, especially those new to our school in 2021.

We are really looking forward to welcoming all our students back next week and our team is working hard to ensure that the transition is a smooth and happy one.

To this end, we will still be having a staggered start this week for our Kindy students, as we believe it will offer the staff time to meet and get to know your child in a small group environment, make the start less overwhelming for your child and assist with fostering positive relationships between staff and students and between your child and their classmates.

However, in light of what has happened this week and working within the current WA Government guidelines, we have amended our initial staggered start plans.  We will now only have two groups (13 students) transition over two days (please see below), with all students attending school on Thursday.  The days will also now be full days instead of half days.

Monday, 8th February, 8.45am to 2:45pm (Please provide morning tea and lunch)

  • Ruaan Angrish
  • Charlotte Collins
  • Ava Baguot
  • Thomas Hsu
  • Clementine Baker
  • Ruby Hurren
  • Quinn Bekker
  • Phoenix Lindsay
  • Aidan Chen
  • Charlotte Martin 
  • Sophie Snodgrass
  • Achille Valentini

Tuesday, 9th February, 8.45am – 2:45pm (Please provide morning tea and lunch)

  • Jordan Mihajlovic
  • Levi Prunster
  • Willow Miller
  • Joseph Raso
  • Maisie Nguyen
  • Noah Rece
  • Isla Nicolaou
  • Luke Robinson
  • Evelyn O’Neil
  • Alice Robinson
  • Emma Rout
  • Ava Schwenke
  • Milica Simic

All Students, Thursday, 11th February, 8.45am – 2:45pm (Please provide morning tea and lunch)

All Students – Monday 15th February onwards, 8.30am – 2.45pm (Please provide morning tea and lunch)

Other things to take note of:

  • As parents are unable to enter classrooms this week, the Kindy program will commence in the Kindy/ Pre Primary Nature Playground.
  • Upon arrival at school, families should come through the main school gate on Beatrice Street and head to the courtyard side of the Kindy classroom.
  • Before helping your child hang their bag on their named bag hook, please assist them to take out their lunchbox, water bottle and hat.
  • Parents are asked to then make their way to the Kindy/ Pre Primary Nature Playground with their child and assist them to place their lunchbox and drink bottle in the containers provided.  Any booklist items can also be handed to one of the four staff members on duty at this time.
  • Children are then encouraged to play and explore the outdoor setting.   As soon as your child is happy and settled, please say farewell (kiss and go).
  • Staff will begin transitioning the children indoors at 9:00am and continue with the day.
  • Parents should exit the school via the main school gate on Beatrice Street.
  • Parents should then return at 2:45pm, enter through the main school gate on Beatrice Street and collect their child from the classroom door located on the courtyard side of the classroom.

Please be reassured that any tears usually end once parents have gone.  Staff will calmly and kindly settle your child and this is best done when you have left for the day.  One of our four staff members will of course contact you if your child is not able to be consoled in a reasonable amount of time

Over the weekend you may wish to have a simple chat with your child about the need for adults to wear face masks.  Staff are not required to wear masks inside or when teaching so this is great.  You may also like to take this opportunity to explain and reassure them that you will be back to pick them up at the end of the day and that if they have any worries or questions their teachers are there to help them.  Below are some social stories that you may find helpful.

I am Going to Kindy at St Dominic’s 

My Teacher Wears a Mask

Our staff are committed to supporting your child to have a positive experience as they commence school.  While this is challenging in a COVID environment, if we continue to stay positive, work together, and trust in the experience, expertise, goodwill and kindness of our staff, we are confident that your child’s experience will be a good one.

Take care and stay safe.



Leon Bolding
