Athletics Carnival Reminder

The Athletics Carnival is now not too far away (weather pending)!

Please find attached below a link to the school website with information, as well as a schedule with parent helpers for the day. I will print this off for parents to be available for the day.  I am still after parent helpers to help with long jump and throws, so if you can assist, please make your way to those areas on the day.  With the parent helper schedule, I have attempted to look at your preferences on the form while also considering times where you may want to watch your child run races.  If you would like to watch your child’s race then make your way to either the long jump or ball throws after, please do so.

Additionally, if you would like to take your child home directly after the carnival, please e-mail your child’s teacher prior to the event so that they can check their name off the list.


St Dominic’s Athletic Carnival Details

Athletics Carnival Assistance Required

Current Athletics Carnival Helper Schedule


We will keep a close eye on the weather and make a call if we need to.  The back up day is Thursday, 26th August should we need it.

If you have any questions, especially about the parent helper schedule, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me. Looking forward to a great day!



Alex Paljetak

Assistant Principal/ Physed Specialist