Athletics Training and Interschool Team

What a great athletics carnival. The event was absolutely fantastic, with all students giving their best efforts and producing great results on the day. Congratulations to all students. You are the reason days like Wednesday are so enjoyable.

Days like Wednesday also don’t simply happen without input from so many people. I’d like to thank the following people:

  • To the teachers for the help on the day and for preparing the students in their own sport time
  • To Yaluma Primary School for allowing us to use their school oval and for marking out all of the lines
  • To the parent helpers on the day who assisted with long jump, throws, team games and set up/pack up. Simply amazing! The day didn’t ran as smoothly as it did without your help.
  • To the wonderful P and F representatives who put so much time into organising DJ’s, sausage sizzles, donuts, the marching, the mascot competition and the tents. Thank you for making the carnival so enjoyable for your children and adding atmosphere to the day.
  • To the entire school community for creating a great atmosphere on the day. Thank you for purchasing the sausage sizzle and donuts. These well needed funds go towards resources for the children at St Dominic’s.
  • To Ben from Timing Solutions for providing us with the electronic gates on the day.
  • To the DJ who also set a great atmosphere on the day


Congratulations to the following students who were named Champion Boy and Girl for their year levels.

Year 3 Girl- Alyssa Willesee

Year 3 Boy- Luke O’Donnell

Year 4 Girl- Alice Corke

Year 4 Boy- Hudson Ostaszewskyj

Year 5 Girl- Saige Riolo

Year 5 Boy- Alexander Kingwell

Year 6 Girl- Olivia Hildebrandt

Year 6 Boy- Talan George


Overall faction winners

1st: Aquinas (648 points)

2nd: Siena (599 points)

3rd: Ferrer (541 points)

4th: Lima (470 points)


Please find attached the Interschool Athletics Team. Please also note that I will have to bring some Year 2 girls to fill Year 3 races. This is based on times run at the Athletics Carnival. Reserves will not be required to come to the carnival unless absolutely required.

Training will commence on the 25th of August at 7:30am-8:15am. This year, we will have an athletics coach to take us through our paces. A big thanks to Leesa Moran for organising this for us. Training is open to all students, not just students in the Interschool Team. Parents will be required to drop off and pick up their children from Birralee on Thursday’s.

Tuesday– St Dominic’s for jumps and throws

Thursday- Birralee for sprints and relays. Parents will be responsible for dropping their children back to school after training.

The final training will take place at the Athletics Stadium on the 17th of September from 3:45-4:30pm. Parents will be required to transport their children to and from the venue. Cost of entry will be $4. Parents will be required to take their children to school after training sessions on Thursday morning from Birralee.

Please find attached to this communication a letter with information about the Interschool Athletics Carnival, as well as a form indicating whether you can help at the Interschool Athletics Carnival.


Interschool Athletics Carnival Helper Form

Interschool Team with Events and Divisions

Athletics Competitor Letter 2020



Alex Paljetak

Assistant Principal/ Physed Teacher