COVID-19 Update #4

Communication in the Event of a COVID Positive Case at St Dominic’s School

We have been fortunate that St Dominic’s has managed to evade COVID up to this point.  However, in the interests of clear communication I would like to explain if a case was reported at St Dominic’s what information we can give to our community, when it can be given and the shared responsibility of our community to help maintain a sense of calm.

In the event of a COVID case at St Dominic’s, information regarding the case will not be able to be released to the community without the permission and authority from the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia.

There will be at times a delay between the school community being aware of a COVID case and our permission to formally advise the community.

I would encourage families to be respectful and not share any information they find on social media about a case that has not come from the school.  This will reduce the unnecessary anxiety of potential false information and direction.

In the event of a COVID positive case at St Dominic’s, we have in place a COVID-19 High Case Load 6 Step Plan.  We also have a COVID Response Team with key staff assigned to handle specific safety measures.  As always, our foremost concern is the safety and wellbeing of out students, staff and community.


Year 3 to 6 Mask Wearing

As you are aware, under current WA Government requirements, students in primary schools are not required to wear masks while at school in areas where mask mandates currently apply.  The Minister for Education, however, has stated that as case numbers increase there may be a requirement for students from Year 3 onwards to wear masks at school.

The change in the definition of close contacts in school settings has reinforced the importance of mask-wearing.  Primary students are being significantly impacted by positive COVID-19 cases as entire classes are being identified as close contacts, under the following definitions:

  • Face-to-face contact for 15 minutes or longer with an infectious person where a mask was not worn;
  • Interaction for more than two hours in a classroom environment where masks have not been worn or have been removed.

Close contacts are required to isolate for seven days and this has huge implications for the entire family.

I would encourage parents of children in Years 3 and above to discuss with them the possible wearing of masks at school and the potential for this to become compulsory in the days ahead.  We are aware that some of our children are already experimenting with wearing a mask at school.

If you are purchasing masks for your child, especially for younger children, please ensure that they are child sized and fit appropriately.


Department of Health Letter

The Department of Health (WA Health) has provided us with the document linked below, which sets out a series of FAQs for all parents and caregivers.  The document outlines important information regarding children who have or may be identified as a close contact of a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.  I encourage you to take the time to read through the information.


Finally, please don’t forget that the latest Government information regarding COVID-19 is available through the Healthy WA website: Healthy WA.

All information is current as of Sunday, 27th February, however, information is subject to change at short notice.  We will continue to communicate any changes as quickly as possible.


Department of Health Close Contact Letter


COVID-19 Update #4



Leon Bolding
