Jacky Lisi on Leave – Meet Danielle Rimmer our Term 4 Year 4 Teacher

Jacky Lisi, our Year 4 teacher, has unfortunately needed to take leave at short notice this term.  Click here to read the letter sent to our Year 4 families over the holiday break, which shares more about why Jacky required time off at short notice.

We were very lucky to secure the services of Mrs Danielle Rimmer for Term 4.  She commenced last week and has enjoyed getting to know our Year 4’s and the wonderful families at St Dominic’s.

I would like to thank Danielle for accepting this position at short notice and we look forward to having her as part of our community for the remainder of the year.

To help get to know our newest staff member in the first instance, below is a short piece put together by Danielle.

Jacky Lisi on Leave - Meet Danielle Rimmer our Term 4 Year 4 Teacher


Hi!  My name is Danielle Rimmer and I have the honour of teaching the Year 4 class this term.

Over my teaching career I have taught every year level from Kindy to Year 6, across the Catholic, Independent and state education sectors.

I have just returned from living and teaching in Leinster (some 960km from Perth in the middle of the desert!) for four years, most recently in a Year 4/5/6 class.

I married the love of my life last year and we have two dogs – a grumpy but loving mastiff x named Charlie and a crazy adopted greyhound puppy named Zoe.

I am excited about teaching at St Dominic’s this term and supporting your children to achieve their full potential.

I look forward to meeting you all soon!



Leon Bolding
