Mini Vinnies Wheelchairs for Kids Excursion – Friday, 26th November

On Friday, 26th November, the Mini Vinnies team will be going on an excursion to the Wheelchairs for Kids facility in Wangara. We have raised a total $359.45 from our last two fundraisers, which will be donated to the organisation.  Just $200 enables volunteers to manufacture an adjustable all terrain wheelchair, which can provide a safer future of mobility with dignity to children in need.  Find more about the organising via the following link

We will travel by bus to and from the venue,  leaving school at approximately 9:30am.  Wheelchairs for Kids volunteers will talk to us about the organisation and show us videos of children who they have helped.  We will then be taken on a tour of the facility and learn how the wheelchairs are made.

Students will need to bring their recess in a clearly labelled plastic bag and are required to wear their sports uniform with their grey and white polo top.

We will have three teachers in attendance, therefore, do not need any parent helpers for this excursion.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Alicia Matrenza and Rochelle Brush
Mini Vinnies Coordinators