Mini Vinnies News – LifeLink Day/ Winter Appeal

At our recent Mini Vinnies meeting, the children came up with some great ideas to support those within our community who are less fortunate. There are two dates coming up to take note of.  

LifeLink Day

LifeLink Day is on Wednesday 5th June. The theme for that day is ‘Crazy Socks!’  

Please bring in a gold coin donation, proceeds going to Lifelink. Children will be participating in an activity in class to further support this cause.  

Lifelink is an initiative by the Archbishop and Bishops in our diocese where schools come together to raise funds needed to support members of our community who are struggling in some way. Jesus was all about loving and serving others, so this provides an opportunity for our students to think about others and to practice the Gospel values. 

 Winter Appeal

Members of Minnie Vinnies will be visiting the St Vincent de Paul depot on Wednesday 26th June (further details to follow). The children have decided to run a Winter Appeal where donations of clothing and other items necessary for the cold season can be made. The children will be writing letters and messages of care and thought for people who are living on the streets in Perth. We will take the donated items and letters along with us on the 26th 

Thank you for your ongoing support – we can make a difference!


St Dominic’s Minnie Vinnies Team

Mini Vinnies News - LifeLink Day/ Winter Appeal Mini Vinnies News - LifeLink Day/ Winter Appeal