Going to Kindy 2022 Social Story, Kindy Handbook and Staggered Start Letter

We know that beginning Kindy can be an exciting but sometimes unsettling time. We have created the below social story to assist with the transition process. Regularly referring back to this story over the coming days could be a great way to prepare your child for the year ahead.  Just press pause on each page of the video to allow you time to read the text.



For all other tips and requirements for starting Kindy please see the Parent Information Booklet that you were given at the Play Date morning.  A copy of the 2022 Kindy Handbook is located here. Please don’t forget to also refer to the staggered start letter you received last year, which outlines the days and times your child will be starting Kindy this week.  A copy of this letter can be found here.

We look forward to seeing you all soon.



Leon Bolding
