New Spirit of Jesus Awards

As part of the Making Jesus Real initiative here at St Dominic’s School, we recognise the Spirit of Jesus moments that occur in our everyday lives, whether it be holding the door open for someone or picking up rubbish.


New Spirit of Jesus Awards


In each classroom, teachers celebrate the Spirit of Jesus by providing opportunities for students to “positively dob” on those they see living the Gospel values.  Below are some examples of what this looks like in the classroom.



As a school, we have decided to make the Spirit of Jesus Awards an important aspect of our community.  Every third week of the term, in Weeks 3,6 and 9, a child from the Year 1-3 cohort and Year 4-6 cohort is selected to win the Spirit of Jesus Award. This award is announced during the Year 6 Monday morning assembly, and it is a chance to recognise and celebrate our students who embody Jesus at school.  Below are images of our Week 6 and 9 winners this term.



Danielle Rimmer

Year 3-6 Leader