Project Compassion Week 2 – Phany’s (pronounced Parn-ee) Story

Second Week of Lent

(School week beginning 9th March)

This week through Project Compassion we learn about Phany (pronounced Parn-ee).

Struggling to earn a living as a farmer in Cambodia, Phany was forced to leave her daughter behind in the village to take up construction work in the city.

Thankfully, through a Caritas funded program, Phany learnt new farming techniques which enabled her to get a better yield from her vegetable crops and to conserve water in her drought-stricken region. Phany’s community also took part in training in health, nutrition, hygiene and disaster preparedness, arming them with better strategies to cope with environmental changes. Watch a short film about Phany’s story.

Let’s Go Further, Together!  Please support the Project Compassion:


In Cambodia, 1 in 8 people live below the poverty line.*

*UNICEF Philippines



Project Compassion Week 2 - Phany's (pronounced Parn-ee) Story



Alex Paljetak

Assistant Principal