The 2021 Yearbooks Have Arrived!

As was previously published, this year, the St Dominic’s School P&F have worked together with the school to create a Yearbook to showcase our fabulous school, as well as give families in our community a beautiful keep sake.

The 2021 Yearbook is a collection of photos of your children and their friends and is filled with special memories of our school community events throughout the year.

This year the P&F made the decision to provide one Yearbook per family at no charge.  This free copy of the Yearbook will be coming home this week with the eldest child in each family.  Staff have a list of additionally ordered books, so these will also be given to the eldest child.

If you have any questions regarding the Year Book, please contact Veronica Raso (P&F President/ Year Book Coordinator).



Leon Bolding
