Sunday Zoom Prayer Service Update Message from Fr Bernard

I hope you all had a happy and enjoyable Easter! Thank you to everyone who has been joining our ‘Zoom’ Prayer Services over the last couple of weeks. It has been a joy to both see and feel connected with each other during these difficult times.

As with all things new, there have been a few technical hiccups that we are sorting out. We have had a lot of positive feedback from Parishioners about the Prayer Service. We are very aware pastorally of young children and their families and how we might be of help to them. This Sunday (19 April) we will trial a special Prayer Service catering to their needs.  There will be two services. The usual at 10am and another at 11am for the children and their families.

A booklet can be found for both services below along with the Zoom log-in details.

It is important that we stay connected, pray together and support one another, so I hope you can join us in one of the two services mentioned.

Log-in details

Meeting ID: 455 735 5942

Password: 472970


Children/ Young Families Booklet

Second Sunday Booklet


Thank you


God bless

Fr Bernard Lanarolle