Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat Wrap up

On Monday, 21st August, the Year 3 students visited the 24/7 Youth Ministry Centre in Osborne Park for their Reconciliation Retreat. After getting to know their team leaders, students played different games that focused on following rules.

Afterwards, they learnt about God’s rules for us, the 10 commandments, and why it is important we follow them. After recess, the team leaders explained what sin is, shared experiences when they have sinned, talked about the importance of forgiveness, and discussed how students can restore relationships with people they have hurt. After enjoying some Red Rooster for lunch, the team leaders conducted a science experience that taught students that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.

Students listened to a version of the parable ‘The Prodigal Son’ and discussed how God loves us, even when we may stray from the path. Lastly, students had some reflection time to write down ways they can grow closer to God.

Thanks to the team leaders for such a fun day. The students had a great time and learnt a lot about Reconciliation.




John McCabe

Year 2/3 Teacher