Year 5 and 6 Interschool Winter Lightning Carnival Wrap up

On the Thursday the 23rd June, our Year 5 and 6 students travelled to Matthews Netball Centre and Wembley Sports Complex in Jolimont, to compete in the annual Winter Lightning Carnival.

I would like to give a special thank you to the following people for helping out on the day by taking a team, without your help the students would not have been able to participate.

  • Mrs Willesee and Mrs Rimmer for taking the Netball Team
  • Mr Bovell for taking the AFL Team
  • Mrs O’Donnell for taking the Soccer Team
  • All the parents and spectators who came down to watch.

Overall, there were some strong results in all three sports.

In Soccer, the team ended up having 2 wins and 2 losses for the day. The boys ended up scoring a total of 9 goals, which put them in 3rd place overall.

In AFL, the team played the day 2 players short and still managed to smile and put up a good fight against each team they played. Overall the team ended up scoring a total of 202 points for the day and ended up with 1 win and 5 losses, which placed them 6th overall out of the 7 schools.

Across the road at Matthews Netball Centre, the netball girls scored a total of 29 goals, they had 3 wins and 3 losses, which at the end of the day placed the girls 3rd overall.

Well done to everyone who played, you were amazing and did St Dominic’s proud.

Some photos of the day are below.

Winter Carnival Photos


Mary Elder

Physed Teacher