Year 6 In Search of Safety Incursion Information

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding an upcoming incursion in the Year 6 classroom title, ‘In Search of Safety’.  The session will be facilitated by presenters from the Red Cross.

This incursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in HASS this term:

  • Stories of groups of people who migrated to Australia (including from one Asian country), the reasons they migrated (e.g. push–pull factors) and their contributions to society.

The incursion will take place in the Year 6 classroom on Monday, 20th February, between 11:30am – 1:20pm.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in the planned incursion, please contact me to discuss these further.



Stirling Bovell

Year 6 Teacher