24:7 Innaloo & Karrinyup Youth Group Update

Youth Group Report

Last week’s youth group was an awesome start to our term 3. Beginning the night, we had a great time in fellowship with all the 19 youth in attendance, playing board games, food and just a generally hanging out. We had games, having all of us laughing, and engaging throughout the night. Ending the night, we had an introduction to our term theme “The Holy Family” and had our first talk on Mother Mary given by one of our special guests. We learnt how Mother Mary plays a very special and important role in our lives and Catholic faith values, knowing she will intercede for all of us and is the Queen of heaven. Finishing off the night, we ended with a prayer circle and fellowship, while also organising for the youth Mass after youth group where the youth attended and helped participate in the mass. What a great start of the youth group term! 

Non-Youth Group Activities

After youth group both the youth ministers and youth ran the youth mass. Having readers, offertory procession and music throughout the night. An awesome opportunity be involved in the Parish and to celebrate mass together as a group. 

Next Youth Group

Next youth group is on the 9th September and we will be continuing our term these of “The Holy Family” as we look at who Joseph and Jesus were individually and in the context of family. 


24:7 Innaloo & Karrinyup Youth Group Update


God Bless,
Caleb & Patsy

24:7 Innaloo Youth Ministers