Saint Catherine of Siena Feast Day

Monday, 29th of April is the Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Siena, one of our Faction Saints.

Catherine was born in Siena, Italy in 1347 and was the 25th child born to her parents. St. Catherine joined the Third Order of St. Dominic and was taught to read by fellow Dominican sisters. She dedicated her life to prayer, penance and works of charity, often helping people in need by giving away her family’s food and clothing.

St. Catherine often visited hospitals and homes to help the poor and sick, and she attracted many followers who joined her in her mission to serve those in need.

In 1377, St. Catherine established a monastery for women outside of Siena.  She is also known for her political work and her writings, which were so influential that she was later declared as one of the Doctors of the Church.

Saint Catherine of Siena died in 1380 and was canonised in 1461.




St Dominic’s School Leadership Team